At KITCHEN AND CLOSETS we are the Granite, Quartz, Marble, Countertops, Custom Vanities, Custom Kitchen Cabinets, Custom Closets and Garage Organizer experts, every day we turn cluttered storage spaces into beautifully and functional Countertops designs. Our designer will transform your space into a solution to your countertops needs.
We take pride in knowing that our professionally designed and manufactured vanities are produced with the highest quality materials and precision manufacturing. Our staff is friendly, professional and punctual.
Serving: Boca Raton, Florida; Delray Beach, Florida; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Jupiter, Florida; West Palm Beach, Florida; Boynton Beach, Florida; and surrounding areas.
We take pride in knowing that our professionally designed and manufactured vanities are produced with the highest quality materials and precision manufacturing. Our staff is friendly, professional and punctual.
Serving: Boca Raton, Florida; Delray Beach, Florida; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Jupiter, Florida; West Palm Beach, Florida; Boynton Beach, Florida; and surrounding areas.
QUARTZQuartz is a manmade material with 93% quartz and 7% of epoxies, fillers, and color. Quartz is stain resistant and not porous so you will not need to be sealed. Quartz has many different colors, now even colors that look like marble, so if you are looking for modern look quartz is the material for you. Quartz sizes are 120”x55” but some companies carry jumbo sizes which are a little bigger in size. Quartz is entirely created by human engineering, and the countertops are constructed with natural silicon dioxide and synthetic materials.
GRANITEGranite countertops can improve your kitchen appearance and they are available in different colors and shapes. The quality of product affects the price of the product. At the same time, granite countertops are truly expensive. When you are planning to buy such an expensive household accessory, it should be inspect carefully.
Since home is one of the biggest investments in your life, you should be careful in selecting each and every household accessory. |
MARBLEMаrblе is a crystallized limеѕtоnе and ѕо can bе polished to a mirrоr-finiѕh, which bringѕ depth in itѕ соlоr and lооkѕ gоrgеоuѕ. Limеѕtоnе iѕ a сhаlkу, duѕtу rосk, whilе mаrblе is hard аnd compact. Onе оf the mоѕt costly materials for kitchen соuntеrtорѕ is marble ѕtоnе. Althоugh it hаѕ аn еxсеllеnt арреаrаnсе, mаnу оthеr properties mаkе thе mаrblе vеrу еxсеllеnt соuntеrtор mаtеriаl.
QUARTZITEQuаrtzitеѕ are the metamorphosed ѕаndѕtоnеѕ fоrmеd in thе dеер еаrth due to high temperature аnd рrеѕѕurе. Thеу аrе hаrdеr than ԛuаrtz, grаnitеѕ, and even ѕtееl. Compared to granites thеѕе stones hаvе vеrу fеwеr color vаriаtiоnѕ such as whitе аnd grау, with blасk аnd brown tingеѕ. But соlоr variations dо оссur due tо thе сhеmiсаl еlеmеntѕ such аѕ pink (irоn), grееn (copper), рink, red, bluе, grееn, уеllоw, or оrаngе. Quartzite ѕtоnеѕ аrе highlу durаblе and lооk fantastic with thеir calming colors and flow textures.
ONIXOnyx marble is one of the materials that transformed home and kitchen decor and added a host of colors and shades to those that previously existed,
A well-designed home gives a great feeling to its guests – the design is just as important as the comfort, as it is the one that delivers the unique atmosphere of the house. An onyx marble surface is actually a material used to create gems made into various pieces of jewelry. |
CALL OR TEXT (561) 376-4334
CALL OR TEXT (561) 376-4334
Boca Raton, FL; Delray Beach,FL; Boynton Beach, FL; Fort Lauderdale, FL; Highland Beach, FL; Pompano Beach, FL; Lighthouse Point, FL; Deerfield Beach, FL. West Palm Beach, FL; Palm Beach, FL; and surrounding areas |
33427, 33429, 33431, 33432, 33433, 33434, 33481,33486 33444, 33487, 33496, 33499, 33483, 33445, 33482, 33436, 33401, 33484, 33424, 33425, 33426, 33435, 33480, 33401, 33064, 33062, 33308, 33306, 33304, 33305, 33301, |